Because of the wide variety of marketplace plans offered on Stride, it's helpful to utilize the filters and customization options shown in our health profile builder to get an accurate recommendation.
To get a customized recommendation, please start by clicking here. We recommend adding your preferred doctors, prescriptions, and other healthcare needs so we can provide the most accurate recommendation possible.
Stride's top recommendations will be flagged with a yellow banner as "Recommended", "Lowest Premium" and "Lowest Deductible". Over 80% of Stride members choose one of these plans!
Curious about what Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum mean? Follow this link here to read more.
Your recommendation will look like this:
If you click "Details," you'll see a set of drop-down menus that will reveal the plan's copays, coinsurance, deductible, and out-of-pocket maximum.
If you want to shop around a bit more and weigh your options, return to the "Health Plans" screen. To the left-hand side, you will see the filter & preferences drop-downs.
- You can also use the "Compare" feature! This will allow you to view up to three plans side by side. Find instructions for comparing plans by clicking this link -> How do I compare plans on your website?
Filter Screen:
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